Young psychiatrists wanted! Depression, anxiety disorders and other mental illnesses are among the biggest health problems in Germany today, which faces an acute shortage of specialists. Psychiatric specialists are in high demand.
With the “Generation PSY” brand, we repositioned the German Association for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics’ (DGPPN) junior staff initiative. With its vibrant and striking design, the brand reaches the psychiatrists of tomorrow wherever they’re to be found: on the net, at university or at work.
Why become a psychiatrist? What are the misconceptions about the field? Why are other disciplines more popular? Who are our target groups and how do we reach them?
We began by immersing ourselves in the world of psychiatry, interviewing and discussing the job with those who know it best: practicing psychiatrists and students of medicine. Drawing on these one-on-ones, we developed a concept to underpin DGPPN communication.
The “Generation PSY” brand bundles all of DGPPN’s junior staff activities. Students feel personally addressed by the use of direct language while the profession’s importance to a healthy society is underscored.
Generation PSY turns misconceptions on their head and delivers unbeatable arguments for the most exciting profession in medicine. Campaigns are launched at the start of each semester at universities and in specialist publications help raise awareness among the target group.
Posters, postcards and starter kits for students draw interest at universities and large numbers of visitors to the online portal.